Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Explain what meant by the term Ricardian Equivalence. Does it meant Essay

Explain what meant by the term Ricardian Equivalence. Does it meant that public debit does not matter Discuss - Essay Example It suggests that debt management systems that a government uses cannot affect the total demand in an economy. As a result, the public will continuously save its excess monetary incentives to cater for the future increase in tax obligation. The theory has been instrumental in several nations including US in the management of economic complications such as inflation. It provides basic incentives and guidelines that enable investors in various economies to embrace the applications. However, it has been exposed to criticism from various scholars and individuals who question credibility. The stakeholders state that the theory is full of suppositions and assumptions but lack factual guidelines. They affirm that it cannot provide factual solutions to the current economic dynamics. The meaning of  Ricardian Equivalence, discussion on public debit and its relevance to economist Ricardian equivalence theory holds that consumers in various economic set ups are continuously internalizing their government budget constraints. Economically, the theory has real budget constraints and functions that represent expenditure in various fiscal or economic periods as determined by a government. Normally, the constraints are given in two periods (period1 and 2). They give a credible procedure of how government expenditure is arrived at and how key functions that include interest rate and value of holdings affect expenditure rates. g1 + b1 = (1+r) b0 + t1 and g2 + b2 = (1+r) b1 + t2. As indicated g1 and g2 are key denotations of government spending in both periods while t1 and t2 denote real tax revenue that a government is able to collect within the periods. Consequently, b0, b1 and b2 represent the value of the real asset holdings that a government has at the end of the periods. As usual r represent the real interest rate between the fiscal periods or period one and two respectively. These constrains gives a clear understanding on how government expenditure and allocation of resour ces is done. It also facilitates the understanding of the contribution of each element in calculating government expenditure. This empowers them to evade the effects of any tax changes that may obstruct their spending competence. Tax variations do not affect demand levels because consumers make adequate preparations to counter the effects of tax increases. The theory suggests that it is no longer an economic issue if an administration finances its costs with debt or tax raise (Ghosh & Ghosh 2008 p. 279). This is recommendable according to the theory because the sources of finance cannot affect the level of demand for various securities and other commodities in a fiscal system. This explains why public debt remains a key source of debt finance. It ensures that consumers are cushioned from the effects of economic hostilities. Indeed, the theory emphasizes the imperativeness of debt financing and increase in taxation in ensuring the achievement of balanced economy. Its development enab led economists to manage the balance of recompense deficit effectively. This is essential in ensuring that a country operates within its limits and strengthens its internal resource enlistment sectors. It also ensures that consumers and investors continuously study how budget is run, and make capital reserve for future tax increases (Ghosh & Ghosh 20

Sikh youth in North America - kirpan-wearing and other legal Essay

Sikh youth in North America - kirpan-wearing and other legal - Essay Example One of the biggest hurdles for these immigrants to overcome has been and still is the toleration of religion. Many people do not understand a culture they have not grown up with. It has been no different for the Sikh people though they too are a monotheistic religion that primarily originated in India (Hawley & Mann 1). The people who practice Sikhism have been discriminated against simply for their beliefs and their traditional dress. In order for cultures to get along while living in the Western civilization, it has become essential for people to understand the Sikh traditions and Sikhism. It has been equally important for the Sikhs to understand the views of the rest of the world. Violence is essentially one of the main reasons that caused Sikhs to migrate. Their Golden Temple Shrine was invaded, people were assassinated, and there was a complete massacre of numerous Sikhs in Delhi, India. The Sikhs wanted to flee for a place of safety. Teachers and students of Sikhism have numerous struggles in order to stay true to their history and tradition, their written religious texts, the beliefs and practices of the religion, and the collective identity of the people as a whole (Hawley & Mann 1). In order for the Sikh to be introduced into academics and to introduce students to the culture and religion, some Sikhs may be stricter while others have become more westernized so life is easier for them. To completely teach the practices and the history behind Sikhism, to do so may be challenging. Hawley and Mann wrote â€Å"Studying the Sikhs: Issues for North America,† in 1993 in order for students and religion teachers to have a format to follow. This is like a guidebook to help lay out what the Sikhs believe, what their culture and history is and many other facts about their symbols and traditions. While the Sikhs have their own perspective, Mann represents the culture, providing

Monday, October 28, 2019

Unscrupulous Master of the House Essay Example for Free

Unscrupulous Master of the House Essay â€Å"Master of the House† is one of the few songs in the musicale Les Miserables that has a happy air, although I would say there is nothing happy or good-natured in the lyrics of the song. The song is sung primarily by M. Thenardier and a chorus group, with Mme. Thenardier, also known as the Thenardiess as Hugo calls her, joining her husband near the end of the song. â€Å"Master of the House† is one of the songs sung at the inn scene of the musicale in Act I. It typifies the demeanor of an unscrupulous inn-keeper who is bent on squeezing as much as he can from his clientele by posing such marketing pitch so base that even his wife deplores him. Like all other businessmen, it is understandable that Thenardier would try to entice a prospective client with lines that would highlight the best in him and his establishment. He tries to be charming, amiable, and always ready to be of service to his clients for a fee, after all, â€Å"everything has got a little price. † But his price tends to be a bit exorbitant, bordering on plain thievery. Although nothing is said in the song as to what he charges his clients for the services he offers, the list of â€Å"extras† that he charges, however, would easily outweigh the main service charge as the list could easily ran into miles for â€Å"when it comes to fixing prices, there are a lot of tricks he knows. † More than that, he practically overcharges for the wine and food that he serves his guests: watered-down wine, minced-meat posed as beef, and sausage made from horse kidney and cat liver. What he serves as porridge or clear soup to his guests, I would not even try to make a guess for sure enough it would appall us who have been born at a time when consumer protection laws are tighter than the belts on our waists. But then again, Les Miserables is set in the early 19th century, when such laws are not yet thought of as necessary. The thinking was that if one can get away with deceit, good for him as he gets a â€Å"good† bargain for his products and services; as for the poor client on discovering the deceit, better luck next time if he can’t force a refund. Thenardier was such a despicable tradesman engaging in deceitful activities in his inn that even the Thenardiess could not hold him in any esteem. Such expletives coming from the Thenardiess could only show her great contempt in being married to such a man, â€Å"hypocrite, toady and inebriate. † In a toast where glasses are asked to the raised in honor of the master, she would rather raise the glass â€Å"up the master’s arse,† or ass in American English. â€Å"Master of the House† is a very good song. It is good in terms of instrumentation, lyrics, and when interpreted properly, it can even be viewed as hilarious. But on close reading of the lyrics and the mirth presented in its interpretation we are presented with a reality that nowadays we, as consumers, are protected from this kind of a tradesman. We are lucky, that when we discover deceit committed on us, there are agencies that can help us get our money back or at least get the value of the product that we agreed to pay for. We do not have to resort to brawny resolutions of dubious transactions involving money. But to make consumer protection laws a lot more fierce and efficient, consumers should do their part: not to engage in illegal trade, intellectual property rights piracy, tax evasion and to report to proper authorities suspicious trade activities. There can never be enough an amount of legislation to protect consumer rights as long as consumers would not learn to defend and fight for his rights. After all, it would not cost us anything to be vigilant on small matters like these. I believe, personally, that it would cost us more when we are duped by the ready handshake, open palm and saucy tale of the next Thenardier that comes along our way. It may be 21st century, but Thenardier is still out there.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Piaget And Vygotsky Were Both Considered Constructivists Education Essay

Piaget And Vygotsky Were Both Considered Constructivists Education Essay Piaget and Vygotsky were both considered constructivists. Constructivism is a theory of teaching and learning based on the idea that cognition is developed through mental construction. This suggests that humans learn, constructing new knowledge by piecing together their past experiences. Another similarity between Piaget and Vygotsky is that they both believe societal influences establish the boundaries of cognitive growth. The main ideas in Piagets and Vygotskys theories regarding intelligence differ. According to Piaget, intelligence was a product of action. He believed that children learn by interaction with their surrounding and that such learnings occur after development. Vygotsky however, believed that learning occurs before development can and that a child learns because of history and symbolism. Vygotsky also thought that children appreciate input from their surroundings as well as other people. Piaget on the other hand did not place any importance on the input of others. Piaget and Vygotskys theories regarding the stages of development have differing opinions as well. Piagets theory of cognitive development is made up of four stages which mark the emergence of new intellectual abilities. The earliest stage is the sensorimotor stage, which occurs between birth and two years of age. During this stage babies and young children use their senses and motor skills to explore the world. Through physical activity and somewhat accidental motor reflexes intelligence is manifested. Toward the end of this stage children also acquire the concept of object permanence, meaning that they understand an object is there even if the child cannot see it. The next stage in Piagets theory is known as the preoperational stage. This occurs during ages two through seven. During this stage a childs language and concepts develop rapidly, however their thinking process is still rather primitive. In this stage characteristics such as centration occur, which leaves the child so focused on one aspect of a situation that they fail to see other important factors. Another characteristic is that children are egocentric. They believe that everyone thinks, or has the same needs and desires as they do. The third stage in Piagets theory is the concrete operational stage, occurring between the ages of seven and eleven. During this stage children begin to experience a drastic change in their thinking process. Their thoughts become less egocentric and more logical. Reversibility, the ability to perform a mental operation and then reverse ones thinking to return to the starting point (Slavin, 2003, p.33) occurs during this stage. Children at this stage still have difficulty with abstract thought. The last stage in Piagets cognitive development theory is identified as the formal operational stage. It is during this stage in which a child begins to develop abstract and symbolic thoughts. It allows hypothetical situations to be addressed, and problem solving through experimentation. This development gives young adults the ability to reason their way through situations they have not yet experienced. As discussed Piagets theory has four specific stages, however Vygotsky believed that there are no set stages. The first aspect of Vygotskys theory is a mechanism referred to as private speech, talking to oneself. Vygotsky found that it was important to turn shared knowledge into person knowledge. He believed that children would integrate the speech of others into their problem solving process. Private speech is commonly seen amongst young children who talk to themselves openly and often. In adulthood private speech is also very important, although it become silent and internalized it is still a helpful problem solving tool. Vygotskys belief of the zone of proximal development is the second part of his cognitive theory. A zone of proximal development is the level of development immediately above a persons present level (Slavin, 2003, p.44). The zone of proximal development consists of things a child cannot quite do alone, but could accomplish with help from a more experienced child or an adult. It includes tasks a child has not yet learned but is capable of learning. Vygotsky believed that to achieve maximum learning it was important to work with the zone of proximal development. The final idea in Vygotskys cognitive development theory is scaffolding. This includes using encouragement, clues, reminders and assistance in the form of suggestion to aid the child in independently learning. By learning to solve problems independently and without the help of others, the child gains the ability to self-regulate. Both Piaget and Vygotskys cognitive development theories have had an impact on education practices and classroom management. Piagets theory is used in classrooms daily with the use of developmentally appropriate education. Another example of Piagetian theory being used in the classroom is through hands on activities. According to Piaget, young children (preoperational) learn through their actions and are not capable of abstract thought, therefore providing a variety of physical activities for smaller children is essential to any classroom schedule. Aspects of Vygotskys cognitive theory are also found in many classroom settings. An example is a classroom which has the children divided into groups, or tables. This uses Vygotskys ideas regarding use of the zone of proximal development as well as scaffolding. By placing children of varying developmental abilities together for group work, children have the ability to mentor and learn from each other through scaffolding, as well as work in their zone of proximal development. It is clear that cognitive development theories play an important role in addressing the educational needs and learning methods of children of varying stages. Through the theories provided by Piaget and Vygotsky it is possible to create a better classroom experience for not only the student but the teacher as well. When a teacher uses methods to teach children developmentally appropriate material, it makes for a more enjoyable and conducive learning environment. Thanks to such psychologists as Piaget and Vygotsky, teachers today have the tools available to them to create such an environment.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities Essays: Irony -- Tale Two Cities Essays

Irony in A Tale of Two Cities Someone once said "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is a compelling message upon which many writers have built their literature. One effective work which employs this theme is A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. This novel is set in Paris and London during the late eighteenth century. During this period, France was engaged in a revolution in which the otherwise common man rose up against the country's aristocracy. In its outset, the novel reveals the motives behind the plebeians' actions. Dickens focuses upon the strife the townspeople experience at the hands of the merciless nobility. By the novel's end, however, Dickens achieves an about-face. The working class wields its new source of power to reek vengeance upon the aristocracy. In an ironic twist, Dickens displays how power can corrupt those even were once threatened by it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To convince the reader of the oppression the townspeople face, Dickens employs motifs. By providing a reoccurring phrase, the reader gains a sense of the distress which makes up every aspect of their lives. On such example of this is as follows: "Hunger was pushed out of the tall houses, in the wretched clothing that hung upon poles and lines; Hunger was patched into them with straw and rag and wood and paper; Hunger was repeated in every fragment of the small modicum of firewood that the man sawed off; Hunger stared down from the smokeless chimneys, and started up from the filthy street that had no offal, among its refuse, of anything to eat. Hunger was the inscription on the baker's shelves, written in every small loaf of his scanty stock of bad bread; at the sausage-shop, in every dead-dog preparation that was offered... ...nd the reader. One man in particular approaches Darnay. The narrator says, "'In the name of the assembled companions in misfortune,' said a gentleman of courtly appearance and address, coming forward, 'I have the honour of giving you welcome to La Force [Prison], and of condoling with you on the calamity that has brought you among us. May it soon terminate happily!'" (p. 254-255). Remarkablely, Dickens succeeds in turning the merciless noblemen into martyrs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ironic role reversal is very effective in displaying Dickens' theme. People naturally try to find a protagonist and antagonist in any story. The reader soon becomes perplexed, until finally she decides that it is simply human nature to both abuse positions of power and require them in society. Works Cited: Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. London: Orion Publishing Group, 1994.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Anorexia and Bulimia :: Causes of Bulimia, Eating Disorders

ANOREXIA Anorexia or other wise know as Anorexia Nervosa, is a condition characterized by fear of gaining weight or becoming obese, as well as a distorted body image or in other words, someone who thinks that they are fat when they are probably already too thin. Such a distorted image can lead to an excessive weight loss from stopping food intake and or excessive exercise. Anorexia nervosa is not associated with any preexisting physical illness. It is found in teens and young adults, but especially young women. Between 5 and 18 percent of known anorexia nervosa victim’s die of starvation, Such a condition may also lead to abnormalities in the menstrual cycle and increased sensitivity to infection. People with the condition may also be throwing up food whenever they do eat this is known as bulimia. Repeated vomiting can deplete the body of fluids and potassium, and the disturbance can severely affect heart function. No generally therapy for anorexia nervosa exists. It is often associated with depression and low self-esteem, and patients may benefit from treatment with antidepressant drugs. Psychotherapy, including family therapy, can often helps, and about half of the cases resolve themselves without relapses. But because many persons with anorexia nervosa never go for medical treatment, the exact reason of the condition is unknown. Studies indicate that it may develop in as many as 1 percent of the young women in the United States. BULIMIA Bulimia is an eating disorder in which overconcern with body weight and shape leads to repeated binging (consuming large amounts of food in a short time) followed by induced vomiting, use of laxatives, fasting, and/or excessive exercise to control weight. Bulimia in itself does not result in severe weight loss. It can, however, cause gastrointestinal problems and serious potassium depletion, and teeth may be damaged due to the acid of the regurgitated food.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Effects of Gadgets

UNIVERSITY OF PANGASINAN PHINMA EDUCATION NETWORK DAGUPAN CITY EFFECTS OF GADGETS TO STUDENTS STUDYING HABITS SUBMITTED BY 2BSN-1 CASILANG, JAY BRYANT E. DUNGO, ELJOHN F. GARCIA, ROLLEX JOHN MACARAEG, JETHRO RJ ORPILLA, JEFFERSON AGUSTIN, SHAIRA IGLESIAS, GEE ANN CASTILLO, MARWILL JORDAN CUSTODIO, JEREMIAS TABLE OF CONTENTS RATIONALE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM BRIEF METHODOLOGY RESULTS DISCUSSION APPENDICES END NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY RATIONALESeveral studies and reports show that the tremendous use of technological peripherals or we popularly call as â€Å"gadgets† have effects to the different aspects of our human body – physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. A  gadget  is usually referred to as â€Å"a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty†. The definition states that â€Å"it has a particular function† which means it can perform particular tasks. Nowadays, these widgets are used for several purposes just like PSP which is used for gaming and also for picture viewing.With the development of Internet and the growth of applications, many features are installed on the new gadgets today which also implies that gadgets have increased their functions. These features attracts the people to purchase them which now leads to the prevalence of gadget in the world principally they are cheaper presently compared to the past years. Undeniably, these gadgets became a necessity in life that’s why they can’t be easily pull away from everyone. These devices brought fun and excitement, better communication and virtual gaming which makes it more interactive to everyone.One of these gadgets is the computer. In today’s modern times, computers are seen almost everywhere we go just like establishments, offices, businesses and schools. With the power of modern technology, these computers created a big difference to the world today compared to the past years. At that time when computers are not yet invented, there is no such thing we call as â€Å"automation†. All works are done manually, time and energy consuming. Just like in creating a simple document, we used pen and paper to write an article or any other paper works.But with the existence of computers, you just need to click the word processing program icon to prepare your medium for writing and you can immediately start typing the characters. It is also free from erasure because of the undo feature included on it. These computers are built to make works easier, faster and lighter. Undeniably, students are also benefited to the existence of computers. During those years when computer is not yet present, students are dependent to books and libraries when it comes to making their home works and paper works.But as the years passed by, students in the library got fewer because they spend their time doing their works in computer or in their own personal computer. Now in the present t ime, the age of modern technology, where almost everything is high-tech, computer technologies has greatly improved and has had become better. These days, the computer technology industry is rapidly growing and changing. Internet are now used on these widgets which become a factor which makes studying fun and easy. With just a single click, all you are searching for will be presented ithout wasting your energy looking for references. However, users of gadgets are becoming addicted in using their devices or being overexposed without knowing the effects it may give to them. According to an article of IndiaStudyChannel. com (2010), â€Å"Several studies and researches have suggested about the various harmful effects gadgets have on human health. Have you ever imagined that why after watching Television for a long time you tend to feel tired and your eyes strained? Sometimes even listening to music from earphones for a long time can cause pain in the ears. In our society nowadays, many youths which are mostly composed of high percentage of students are addicted especially to social networking sites like Facebook and games like Defense of the Ancients. What’s alarming about these things is that students spend most of their time socializing, gaming and they just reserved a little time for studying their lessons. A reason why students are having difficulty when it comes to school works. Their school performances are getting weak reason why they get low grades. Computer addiction is a huge problem for most students.They procrastinate their works because they don’t notice their time is running fast while they are in front of it. We know that computer and all other gadgets are made to make life easier and enjoyable and all we are searching are attached in this machine. But despite of this factor, the students still get low grades and have weak performance in school. That’s why there is a need for research about this study to find out the effects of computers to students’ studying habits and the solutions for any dilemma that will present to the results of this research. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Topic: â€Å"Effects of Gadgets to Students’ Studying Habits†The effects of using gadgets affecting the students’ studying habits disturbed the attention of the researchers because of the fast growing innovations of gadgets nowadays, especially these peripherals are now dominating the world including the field of education. The researchers are mainly concerned with the effects of the gadgets to students’ studying habits and also the solutions to any dilemma that will be present after the results of this research are already been shown. And the most important part of the research, to collect information about the common effects of gadgets to students’ studying habits. BRIEF MEHODOLGY

Malcomes final speech Essay

In Malcomes final speech he describes Lady Macbeth as a fiend like â€Å"queen†. Explain how far you think this description of her is justified Lady Macbeth is a very essential character to the play. She is singly responsible for the most tragedy and destruction throughout the play. She is very responsible because she is the one who talks to and persuades Macbeth. But she cannot be purely seen as an evil influence for she is a much more complex character then many would think. We first see Lady Macbeth in act one, scene five when she is reading the letter that Macbeth sent her. When reading the letter, she reads it in an innocent ladylike voice that we will not see much of until later on in the script. As she calmly reads the letter you can see her slowly spiralling towards the more evil sinister way. The letter is read as if he was writing it to his â€Å"Dearest partner of greatness†. He treats her with a lot of respect as if she is an equal. This would seem to be very awkward to an audience in the Shakespearean era for women were seen to be inferior to men. She decides on Macbeth’s behalf that they are to kill the King Duncan, without Macbeths approval. The only problem is that she thinks that Macbeth is â€Å"too full of th’ milk of human kindness† to commit such an evil task. She then thinks that she had the power to alter Macbeth’s mind like an evil conscience. This makes her more evil than seen so far for she is seen as an evil presence. Lady Macbeth feels that in order to commit the murderous task herself she will need to look for help of evil ghosts and spirits to take her body and do the dirty deeds for her. She suggests strong sentences to â€Å"unsex her † and turn her evil. â€Å"Come to my women’s breasts And take my milk for gall.† In Shakespeare’s time the average person in the audience still believed in witches, evil sprits, potions and evil presences, so they would be scared as if it were real. The audience will also look at her in a very strange, different way for she is willing to give up all her femininity for a natural evil. She continues to make obscene comments to hell. â€Å"Come thick night and pull the In the dunnest smokes of hell.† She says this because she wants not to be discovered for it will cost her life if she was discovered. For a stage production I would start with her sitting in darkness on a chair alone with the spot light on her. She would wear a white dress to promote her innocence. The background music would be slow, low and quiet in a solitary tune. As she starts to ponder evil thoughts, I would slowly creep up in tempo and make all the notes more sinister. She would get up and keep her head down as she wanders around the stage reading the letter. As soon as she finishes reading the letter she will raise her head and start to whisper her lines to the audience making eye contact. The lights would be dim as she goes from side to side on the stage. She will get louder and louder until the servant walks in and after he leaves she will continue walking from side to side getting louder and louder until her husband enters and a red light will fade in as she explains the plot to Macbeth. The second time we see her is when she is at dinner acting sweet and innocent when at heart she is completely evil and filled with hate and gall. Duncan ironically and innocently speaks of sweet and good air which has a ironic relationship to Lady Macbeths earlier quote â€Å"The dunnest smokes of hell† in the last scene. In Act 1, Scene 7 we see Lady Macbeth for the third time. She is alone in the bedroom with Macbeth discussing their hidden sinister plan to kill king Duncan and steal his throne. In this scene we can see again how much influence on Macbeth, Lady Macbeth has. Macbeth decides that he wishes not to conduct in this evil scheme any further, but once again Lady Macbeth bends and twists Macbeths mind to see the opportinity the way she does. An audience would again be surprised to see a women taking more or less complete control over Macbeth. Her character would seem very masculine and the power over Macbeth would seem to be some sort of witch’s spell, again making her seem more evil than she really is. It would not be surprising to see lady Macbeth fall to even lower levels of murder and in justice for all her goodness and innocence has been completely corrupted by greed, therefore making her nothing more than a victim to her inner evil. Macbeth stands for shining goodness in that moment that he refuses to commit this disruption of the hierarchy for it would not only be a murderous crime, it would also mean that he has turned his back on his God, for the king was seen to be God’s representative on earth. Lady Macbeth uses blackmail to get him to obey her. She starts to accuse him of not loving her and not acting like a real man treats his wife. This is ironic, for she does not treat him as a real husband, but none the less she gets her way through these obscene accusations of him being a coward â€Å"And live a coward in thine own esteem† The last time we see Lady Macbeth is in Act 5 Scene 1, after all planned has successfully happened. In this scene we can see how the aftermath of the killings has actually affected lady Macbeth. The scene begins with lady Macbeth being analysed by a doctor and his decision is that she is suffering mentally. Lady Macbeth is mentally scared and is sleepwalking in anguish. Lady Macbeth is constantantly rubbing and washing this certain spot in her palm because she (and only she) can see a red â€Å"damned spot† of blood. She is conveying images of the murder and she is speaking of the killing of an old man ( King Duncan ). â€Å"Who would have thought the old man had so much blood in him† Through sleep walking and being nervous we can see that Lady Macbeth does have a conscious and is liable to greed instead of being this evil monster which the audience has all seen before. The audience for the first time would start to understand and see that all the evil within her was â€Å"evil spirits† and the greed assigned to every human being. In this last scene with her, as she fall apart we can see all her greed and wickedness being stripped from her just leaving her an image of pure, innocent child like women. As Lady Macbeth becomes mentality ill and losses all her influence and greed it is as if Macbeth and his wife have swooped feelings and brains. Her obsession with a â€Å"damned spot† of blood which she cannot remove from her hand contrasts with her attitude to the blood after Duncan’s murder, when she says: â€Å"A little water cleans us of this deed† The way an actress would perform this scene would be very different from the way she would act in Act 1 Scene. Her face would be pale and without make-up, and she would wear a white nightdress to suggest return to a vulnerable childlike state. Her voice would be frail and trembling, and some lines, such as â€Å"The Thane of Fife had a wife† would be spoken like child reciting a nursery rhyme. Referring back to the title question, I think that Lady Macbeth cannot be fully justified as a â€Å"Fiend† for she is a normal women who is corrupted by greed and I am sure that many people in the same situation would be very tempted to do something similar.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Brand Philosophy of a Radio Channel

Brand philosophy †It's Hot† the promo for the channel has become everyday lingo of the  youth. â€Å"Its Hot! †¦ Most Popular Radio Channel amongst Youth at the 2nd Global Youth Marketing Forum, the tag line â€Å" its Hot! † conveys that the brand is young, exciting. Radio Mirchi is also very adaptive as it customizes itself based on the city it is in. Radio Mirchi Chennai is typically in Tamil and its slogan ‘What a Fun! ’ has bowled its fans over. Radio Mirchi Mumbai is dominated by Marathi. Thus, the language, culture and region are carefully kept in mind by everyone from the RJs to the producers.Radio Mirchi is truly an innovative radio station. It caters to the needs of all sections of society in spite of its ‘young’ feel. For example, ‘Chatpati Baatein’ is a show for women, specifically housewives, bored out of their wits after a long day of work. Similarly, ‘On the Move’ is for executives and the m overs and shakers of the corporate world. Music, chat shows and interviews are enjoyed by the youth and are relayed throughout the day at regular intervals. It keeps customer informed. Willingness to help customer through different programs. They are having gender base segmentation, age group base, etc.In the early morning they are targeting to the old persons because they likes bhajans & kirtans. In the early morning they stared this programme at 5 am to 7 am. They are providing gift vouchers, gifts couple tickets, etc. So consumer or the listeners are attract and listen the radio mirchi. They are using Clustered Preferences. Radio Mirchi targeted to the college students and teenagers so they are playing hot & new songs. They are also targeting the mature person & they like to listen songs. Radio Mirchi are playing this kind of old songs in the night in the show Purani Jeans.For many different occasions Mirchi came up with unique game or any kind of attractive show. For eg. New Yea r’s, Diwali, R. D. Burman’s birthday etc. customers are highly attracted to all these innovative shows and participated. It uses the tagline â€Å"Sakat hotmaga, Mirchi SunneWale Always Khush, It's hot. Radio Mirchi promotes its radio station in different cities in their local language. The punch line of Radio Mirchi (Mirchi sunnewale always khush) focuses on its customer and the quality of music provided by them. They try to come up with new innovative ideas thereby making their radio the most preferred station with largest listenership.There latest innovation is in the style of radio jockeys. Generally, radio jockeys speak non-stop quite fast entertaining the masses. Their way of telling jokes attracts people. It delivers the best combination of innovative content and interesting initiatives. Their programs: SHOW TIME which target TARGET AUDIENCE, Female oriented Khoobsurat , Quizzes related to Total Filmy bollywood, Sunset Samosa , Play old music Purani Jeans, Ask solution for Dr. Love relationship problems . -Naina Sharma Roll no. -935

What Is Rotaract

Rotaract clubs are part of a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world. This effort starts at the community level but knows no limits in its outreach. Rotaractors have access to the many resources of Rotary International (RI) and The Rotary Foundation. Rotary International provides the administrative support that helps Rotaract clubs thrive. History Rotaract has evolved quickly in its short but dynamic history. In the early 1960s, Rotary clubs around the world began to sponsor university youth groups as community service projects. The 1967-68 RI president, Luther H. Hodges, and the RI Board of Directors considered this club activity to have international relevance, and Rotaract was approved in 1968 as an official program for Rotary clubs. The first club chartered was the Rotaract Club of North Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, on 13 March 1968. Several decades later, the Rotaract program has grown into a strong, international network of 7,300 clubs in more than 150 countries and geographical areas. Rotaract’s 145,000 members are young men and women (ages 18 to 30) who serve the needs of their communities, widen their personal and professional contacts, and increase their understanding of the world. Goals Rotaract has the following goals: ? To develop professional and leadership skills ? To emphasize respect for the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual ? To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve ? To recognize, practice, and promote ethical standards as leadership qualities and vocational responsibilities ? To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems, and opportunities in the community and worldwide To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people How does Rotaract fit into the Rotary family? Rotary International is a worldwide service organization for leading business and professional men and women, with more than 1. 2 million members in over 31,000 Rotary clubs. Each Rotaract club is sponsored by a local Rotary club. This sponsorship is a result of Rotary’s belief that you ng people, or New Generations, should take an active interest in community life and have the opportunity for professional development. Organizing a Rotaract club is one of the most rewarding activities a Rotary club can undertake in its community. The Rotaract program gives Rotarians the opportunity to mentor dynamic young women and men interested in providing service to their own communities as well as the global community. In turn, a Rotaract club can bring new energy to a Rotary club, inspire fresh ideas for service, increase support for projects, and help develop future Rotary club members. Rotaract clubs are self-governed and largely self-financedat the local level. Working in cooperation with their sponsoring Rotary clubs as partners in service, Rotaractors are an importantpart of Rotary’s extended family. What does a Rotaract club do? Rotaract clubs organize a variety of projects and activities, depending primarily on the interests of the club members. However, within the Rotaract program, all clubs undertake three types of activities in varying degrees: professional development, leadership development, and service projects. Together, these three areas ensure a balanced club program and provide important experience and opportunities for the personal development of each Rotaractor. Professional Development A club’s professional development activities should expand the members’ understanding of the work environment and business opportunities within their community. These activities should highlight the Rotaractor’s role in the community’s economic development and illustrate how skills developed through service activities can help in resolving problems in the workplace. Each Rotaract club should provide professional development opportunities to its members through activities such as: ? Professional and vocational forums Business technology updates ? Management and marketing seminars ? Conferences on business and professional ethics ? Presentations on finance and credit options for business start-up Sponsoring Rotarians can enhance the professional development of Rotaractors by providing practical advice on entering the business world and tackling business, vocational, and professional challenges. Making the club’s professional d evelopment projects into joint Rotaract-Rotary projects can also help Rotaractors get better acquainted with sponsoring Rotarians. Leadership Development A club’s leadership development activities aim not only to make members more effective leaders in their personal lives, but also to teach them how to develop and sustain strong clubs with relevant projects. Important topics to address in training club leaders include: ? Improving public speaking skills ? Developing techniques for marketing the Rotaract program to potential members ? Building consensus among members ? Delegating project responsibilities and ensuring necessary follow-up ? Identifying channels for project publicity and promotion ? Finding financial resources for strengthening club development ? Assessing project success Service Projects Service Above Self is Rotary’s foremost guiding principle. A Rotaract club’s service projects are designed to improve the quality of life at home and abroad. These projects often address today’s most critical issues, such as violence, drug abuse, AIDS, hunger, the environment, and illiteracy. Each Rotaract club is required to complete at least two major service projects annually, one to serve the community and the other to promote international understanding. Each should involve all or most of the members of the club.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Catcher In The Rye, JDK Slinger Research Paper Example

Catcher In The Rye, JDK Slinger Research Paper Example Catcher In The Rye, JDK Slinger Paper Catcher In The Rye, JDK Slinger Paper Holder Coalfield can be broken up into Hold-on as if he is not ready to grow up, and that it is too difficult for him to handle. And Call is apart of the amnion, which protects the babys head during birth, this relates to Holder as he is metaphorically protected by this and does not mature as a result. Slinger communicates the theme of growing up through the central character, Holder, as he is at the stage where he should be growing up and maturing but does not. Slinger uses Holders personality and his appearance to contrast how Holder finds growing up difficult and painful. Holders younger siblings are also key characters in the novel that Slinger uses in order to communicate ten theme. Allele, Holders Trotter, oleo AT leukemia years before the novel was set. He was very unique, he had fiery red hair, and was left handed. Holder speaks of him on many occasions in the novel, he aspires to be more like Allele, because he believed he was the nicest and smartest of all the Coalfields he was about fifty times as intelligent. Part of Allies enduring appeal for Holder is that e is forever frozen in time, in childhood, exactly where Holder wants to be. Phoebe, is quite like Allele, she is a child, and possesses similar attributes her intellect and hair color. Before we meet Phoebe, we rely on Holders descriptions of her. Holder looks up to her, he believes she is the only trustworthy person in a world of phonies. Holder has categorized life into two sections; childhood, being innocent and where Holder wants to stay, and the cruel adult world, where everyone becomes shallow and hypocritical and where Holder wants to avoid. When Phoebe is introduced into the narrative, she complicates Holders thoughts. Even she knows that growing up is mandatory, and becomes angry with Holder as he stays immature, She gets very emotional, I swear to God. As this young girl is presented to us, and is able to understand maturity, Holders stunted maturity seems a little foolish. However we can sympathies with Holder as he feels unable to mature and is being criticized by the one person he truly cares about. Slinger uses this contrast of the characters to emphasis the difficulties of growing up. Slinger not only uses symbolism to communicate the main theme of growing up, but also to highlight the main feelings of Holder. When Phoebe asks him want we wants to be in life, he replies with the image from a Robert Burns song of being the catcher in the rye, to protect children from falling off the cliff as they play in the field of rye. It is highly ironic that Holder swaps somebody meet a body comic thro the rye for somebody catch a body because the song now has the opposite meaning. The main lyrics ask if it is wrong to have a sexual encounter in a far-away field without it leading to anything, but Holder completely changes the meaning. Holder wants to catch children, who play in the field, before the fall out of innocence onto the knowledge of sex and other adult things that he, personally, does not understand. Also the fact that Phoebe is the one to point out the real lyrics, symbolisms that she is not as innocent as Holders idealistic thoughts of children. Because his mind has blocked out the real lyrics, this makes him seem more innocent, childish and afraid of the adult world. The use of the red hunting hat symbolisms Holders desire to be a child for longer. He wears the hat to feel unique and an individual, because it is so different and vibrant. The color of the hat is the same as Phoebes and Allies hair, red. This symbolisms how Holder looks up to his younger siblings, and how he wants to be more like them, as they represent innocence and purity in his eyes. The museum of natural history also communicates the idea that Holder wants to continue to be a child. Holder liked the museum as it was unchanging, The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. The museum represents his catcher in the rye world, in which no-one ever changes, and everything is true, simple and idealistic to him. Holder is scared of change, mainly because of his brothers death, so he wishes everything lull always stay ten same Including ml so nee does not nave to deal Walt negative changes in his life. Slinger uses a key incident in the novel in order to establish that Holder wishes to stay a child for as long as possible. In chapter 13, Holder is met with the possibility of a sexual encounter with a prostitute named Sunny, but turns it down. He admits to being a little nervous about the whole ordeal, as he is a virgin. He comes too realization, that he wants it to be more special. What he learns with Sunny is that he prefers not to get there with a prostitute; I dont think I could ever do it with somebody that sits in a stupid movie The whole scene is depressing rather than erotic for Holder, so he makes up excuses for not being able to go through with it. He realizes has to get to know a girl, and like her a lot, before he is comfortable with that kind of intimacy. On the other hand, it shows he is not emotionally ready for sexual encounters, he talks about it and thinks about it, but in reality he feels too young. This develops the theme of growing up as he has the chance to do the things he says, but he does not take it, meaning he is not et mature enough to handle this kind of adult behavior. This is more like what a child would do when faced with something they are not comfortable doing. And thus shows that when Holder is given the chance to mature, he rejects it, and keeps his innocence and his virginity intact. The idea established in the novel that it is difficult to grow up is identifiable in the 21st century. The book may be from another century, the language may be different, but the central idea that Slinger uses is timeless. Holder goes through strange ordeals in comparison to most people, however the reader can connect to Holder as hey will have had to mature at some point in their life, even if it was not as painful as it was for Holders character. The majority of the readers feel connected to the story, even if their life is extremely different, and they can relate to their own life in one way or another. JDK Slinger develops the main theme of growing up throughout the Catcher in the Rye using successful devices. He develops Holder as a character, uses symbols to relate to the childish nature of Holder, and uses a key incident to establish that Holder wishes to remain a child for as long as possible.

Free Essays on Frank Boas

One of the most difficult concepts to understand in anthropological studies is the view of culture held by the 19th century evolutionary anthropologists. The model was broken up into two categories: Civilized and primitive. The 19th century popular view of the civilized was that of a moral force. The primitive cultures were â€Å"brute savages.† The previous century had a bit of a different view of these two cultures. In that period, the civilized were deemed as corrupt and the primitive were â€Å"noble savages.† The model went on to discuss the evolution of society. The linear evolution diagram shows how different things diverted from simple to complex. Some of these things were technology, social organization, and most importantly culture. This was one of the first times that culture was proven to evolve as well. One of the most important concepts that surfaced during this time was data collection which allowed things to be proven wrong and right. The studies of Lewis Henry Morgan identified some of the more scientific views of culture. He identified that the evolution of society had three different stages. Civilization was first, followed by Barbarism, and savagery. Each group was also broken down into Upper, Middle, and Lower societies. Morgan’s theory was that every level of culture and society moved along this process of evolution. Franz Boas was another man who had many a critique of the evolutionary perspective. Unlike many other anthropologists of the time, Boas used culture modernly. He referred to culture as a â€Å"mind and spirit† of a group of people or even as a â€Å"coherent whole.† Boas is most notable for his studies of cultural relativism. This is the perspective that each culture has its own distinct history and one cannot use universal laws to assume how culture operates. Cultural relativism pointed out that the differences in peoples were the results of historical, social and geographic cond... Free Essays on Frank Boas Free Essays on Frank Boas One of the most difficult concepts to understand in anthropological studies is the view of culture held by the 19th century evolutionary anthropologists. The model was broken up into two categories: Civilized and primitive. The 19th century popular view of the civilized was that of a moral force. The primitive cultures were â€Å"brute savages.† The previous century had a bit of a different view of these two cultures. In that period, the civilized were deemed as corrupt and the primitive were â€Å"noble savages.† The model went on to discuss the evolution of society. The linear evolution diagram shows how different things diverted from simple to complex. Some of these things were technology, social organization, and most importantly culture. This was one of the first times that culture was proven to evolve as well. One of the most important concepts that surfaced during this time was data collection which allowed things to be proven wrong and right. The studies of Lewis Henry Morgan identified some of the more scientific views of culture. He identified that the evolution of society had three different stages. Civilization was first, followed by Barbarism, and savagery. Each group was also broken down into Upper, Middle, and Lower societies. Morgan’s theory was that every level of culture and society moved along this process of evolution. Franz Boas was another man who had many a critique of the evolutionary perspective. Unlike many other anthropologists of the time, Boas used culture modernly. He referred to culture as a â€Å"mind and spirit† of a group of people or even as a â€Å"coherent whole.† Boas is most notable for his studies of cultural relativism. This is the perspective that each culture has its own distinct history and one cannot use universal laws to assume how culture operates. Cultural relativism pointed out that the differences in peoples were the results of historical, social and geographic cond...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Shostakovich essays

Shostakovich essays Shostakovich is view as one of the greatest Russian Composers of the 20th Century. Although limited by the Soviet Government in what he was allowed to produce for performance, he still composed many great works. Shostakovich wrote many of his works by order of the government. Not only did her write music but he was also an instructor at the Leningrad Conservatory and the conservatory in Moscow. Shostakovich was born in 1906 in St. Petersburg Russia. Shostakovich got his start in his music through his mother; his mother who was a professional pianist. ( He also got his start at the Petrograd Conservatory which he attended from 1919 to 1925 finishing it off with composing his First Symphony as a graduation piece. With his First Symphony Shostakovich was launched into the world as a key Russian Composer for the 20th Century. His next two symphonies were greatly influenced by the governments control over performance music, Symphonies No. 2, To October, and No. 3, The first of May. Both works were references to socialism. During his early years he also worked on a few ballets and an opera that were greatly influenced by contemporary Western Music The Nose, The Age of Gold and The Bolt, Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District caused him to be condemned publicly in a local news paper which was said to be straight from Stalin himse lf. ( This condemnation prevented him from releasing his fourth symphony and he also was always prepared to leave the Soviet Union. Many who were condemned by Stalin would die in work camps; Shostakovich was luck in this aspect. The fourth symphony was not released until a few years after Stalins death for fear of persecution. After being condemned, Shostakovich started writing music that was more appeasing to the government. His fifth Symphony was a step towards being in favor wi ...

History and Heritage

History and Heritage The Importance of the Past Human beings inhabit a very unpredictable world. The human environment is a product of the interaction between millions of forces. In order to chart their course through an unpredictable world, human individuals and societies need some sort of guide to determine what possible consequence they take face, upon taking a certain step. The study of the past is therefore important because it is an important factor in determining present and future conduct (Lowenthal, 1998).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on History and Heritage specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another aspect of the past is its role in determining the self-image of a human individual or society. Societies cite the real or imagined beliefs and actions of their real or imagined ancestors as evidence that they are a brave, generous and just people, similarly stories about the history of rival societies are told to show them in a bad l ight as compared to one’s own society (Lowenthal, 1998). History is also a tool used to establish the validity of the current beliefs or ideas held by an individual, society or section of a society and the invalidity of the ideas and beliefs held by their ideological enemies (Lowenthal, 1998). The Reason for Disagreement in the Views and Interpretations of the Past Because the past is used as a tool to determine the present and future course of a society, it’s self image and the validity of its beliefs. It becomes a device in the hands of people who wish to chart a particular course for their society, present a particular self-image of the society and establish the validity of certain beliefs (Lowenthal, 1998). An example of this can be seen in the Enola Gay exhibit controversy at the Smithsonian Institution. The historians at the Smithsonian were came up with what they thought was an objective position on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The exhibit depicted the horrible destruction caused by the bombing however the establishment view that the bombing of two Japanese cities was necessary in order to force the Japanese government to surrender unconditionally, was presented in the exhibit (Bird Sherwin, 1995). Other historians objected to the exhibit on the grounds that it adopted an essentially nationalist position justifying American atrocities, tried to minimize the depiction of horrible destruction and the immense loss of civilian life caused by the bombing and suppressed other facts which would reflect badly on the United States (Bird Sherwin, 1995). However, according to politicians espousing a hyper nationalistic and militaristic agenda, the exhibit was an exercise in anti-Americanism. These politicians were outraged that the museum would exhibit something that would show even the slightest criticism of the United States or the military forces of the United States. Such an exhibit might convince the population to oppose their politi cal agenda (Trescott, 1995).Advertising Looking for report on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The exhibit was also opposed by World War II veterans. They believed firmly that their side in the World War II had been purely good while their enemies were purely evil. They believed that any action undertaken by their side against the enemy was justified. The veterans also belonged to a generation in which it was not considered offensive to assert that the lives of American soldiers were worth more than those of Japanese civilians (Ringle, 1994). Suggestions that the United States may not have been purely a force of good and may have performed actions comparable to the barbarities committed by the German and Japanese enemies caused an explosive emotional reaction in the veterans. In contrast to the veterans and the nationalistic politicians, the historians belonged to an era in which intellectuals adopted distast e for American militarism following defeat in the Vietnam War. They also possessed a wider view of the world and enough knowledge of history to know that patriotism and nationalism are often rhetorical devices used disingenuously by rulers whose actions are often motivated purely by self-interest. Instead of believing, as the politicians and the veterans did, that the United States was a purely benevolent power, they recognized that the United States has often caused immense destruction in other countries (Ringle, 1994). The controversy over the Kennewick Man was another example of an historical issue which caused passionate disagreement between ideologically opposed partisans. To the leader of the Umatillas tribe, the Kennewick Man was evidence that their tribe had always lived in the Washington area and that the scientific belief that they had crossed over to the Americas from Northern Asia was not true (Geranion, 1997). The Difference between ‘Heritage History’ and O bjective Studies of the Past In the past, history was primarily written for the purpose of inducing internal solidarity and enhancing the well being of a particular nation. The writing of histories was part of the nation-building efforts of states. Histories were a selection of facts and myths designed to give a positive image to a particular nation and to vilify its enemies. The history books written in earlier centuries were often commissioned by kings and emperors for the expressed purpose of glorifying their ancestors and providing ideological support for their rule. The purpose of history was to encourage an existing population and to secure its future. History was a socially constructed narrative that Lowenthal terms ‘Heritage History’ (Lowenthal, 1998). Gradually historians have tried to increase the objectivity of history and to distinguish it from ‘heritage history’. History and heritage differ in their purposes. The purpose of history is to explor e and explain the past, recognizing its complexities and unknown aspects (Lowenthal, 1998).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on History and Heritage specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The purpose of heritage on the other hand, is to simplify the past and to come up with an interpretation of the past that may be useful in the achievement of present purposes. According to Lowenthal, the public is only interested in heritage, if narrative espoused by ‘heritage history’ departs from the facts known through objective history; it only bothers some intellectuals (Lowenthal, 1998). History and heritage also differ in the methodology employed to come up with a narrative. History depends on the use of the scientific method and the use of objective criteria to judge historical sources. Objective methodologies employed by historians in order to judge sources may include textual criticism, fingerprint matching, DNA testi ng, and carbon dating etc. Heritage pre-selects those historical sources which can be used to establish a particular narrative, regardless of their authenticity, and dismisses all other sources. Source criticism and other objective methodologies may be employed in the composition of heritage history, but only for the purpose of abandoning inconvenient sources (Lowenthal, 1998). According to Lowenthal, heritage and history are separate but linked phenomenon. Historians attempt to be impartial however it may be impossible for a historical researcher to be utterly unbiased. Therefore, it is possible that historians may come up with a narrative that includes elements of heritage, despite having an intention to come up with an authentic and impartial history. References Bird, K., Sherwin, M. (1995, July 31). Enola Gay Exhibit: The Historians Letter To The Smithsonian. Retrieved from Geranion, N. (1997, September 21). The Kennewick Man crisis Arche ologists and Indians clash over a 9,300-year-old skull that could rewrite New World history. The Toronto Star . Lowenthal, D. (1998). The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Advertising Looking for report on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ringle, K. (1994, September 26). At Ground Zero; 2 Views of History Collide Over Smithsonian A-Bomb Exhibit. The Washington Post , p. a.01. Trescott, J. (1995, May 19). Senator Warns Smithsonian on Controversies. The Washington Post , p. D.06.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write an Essay on Personal Philosophy of Success

How to Write an Essay on Personal Philosophy of Success Personal Philosophy of Success General guidelines How to start How to create the outline How to write the thesis How to write the introduction How to write body paragraphs How to conclude Essay revision Personal Philosophy of Success (Essay Sample) General guidelines Personal philosophy success is based on inner ability that is portrayed outside after someone takes a single step. Personal philosophy contains strategies for achieving the success that the essay writer demonstrates to the reader with various considerations. It also contains extensive support by giving experience, examples, and evidence. Personal philosophy paper should also include the writer’s commitment and how the preparations were undertaken for the forthcoming success. How to start One can start a personal philosophy essay by demonstrating three or more strategies for your success. For instance, these can be class work, reading magazines, listening to motivational speakers or even having a mentor. For each and every strategy give a clear detail of how to achieve. Secondly, have a well-composed paper as this will enable the audience to consider your points valid and achievable. How to create the outline An outline composes from the items to be discussed. One can start by introducing the strategies of success and then give a clear thesis statement. The body will contain the storyline of success as well as the evidence or examples of success. A conclusion is the last part when one has handled the content very well. How to write the thesis A thesis statement gives the whole picture of the body. The thesis statement contains the topic or the heading; for instance, self-motivation or personal responsibility. When the thesis statement gives the whole concept of the body, it is followed by main points of success. How to write the introduction A good introduction contains sentences that will catch the attention of the reader. Personal philosophy essay should contain an introduction that includes well-planned strategies of success. Secondly, it should reveal some information about a motivating factor for the success as well as a brief story of oneself. One can start by using a personal narrative that will enable the reader to have background information of the writer. Personal philosophy success essay contains details on ideas and the main points that lead to success. One introduces him or herself with a brief background story and with what might have pushed him or her to lay a strategy for the success. The thesis statement will highlight every point to be discussed in the body. One also should give valid details about success. How to write body paragraphs A body is the center of an essay as everything is discussed mainly in the body. What transpired to the success is well elaborated in the body. Personal philosophy essay contains relevant means or ways in which one uses to succeed. One may have been in a difficult situation but the strategy you use will determine your success. You need to highlight all points from the major to minor. Discuss every point while giving relevant examples or evidence that support your main points How to conclude Personal philosophy essay needs to be finished in a way that the audience or reader is satisfied with. You can provide the story and the strategies you use for succeeding. All the points are summarized in the finishing paragraph. The summarized points need to be well written and well phrased in order for the reader to be fully satisfied with your strategy. Essay revision Revising your essay is vital. Check the grammar, tenses and make sure that all the sentences are well structured and they are able to give clear ideas. One needs to ensure that the essay brings sense to the reader. Personal Philosophy Essay Sample: Personal Philosophy of Success I view the personal philosophy of success as hope or dream or a way one has a dream but is not fulfilled due to several circumstances. For instance, one has a degree in a certain field but his or her desire is to have several degrees. Such kind of a person has a personal philosophy that he wants to fulfill. Another good example is when a person does not have anything that he/she has achieved but has several ambitions in life. This person has a personal philosophy that will enable him or her to find strategies for fulfilling their dreams. You and I can be one of those people having nothing or something, for instance, a degree, but our motivations come in when we have a well-laid strategy of fulfilling our wishes. Some time back, I used to question life like Why things happen the way they are? Why was I created? What is my purpose in life, what does the future hold for me? This question led me to gather my mind together and have a well-laid structure of doing things in life. I came from a humble background that really helped me realize my full potential in life. Looking back to those who gave effort for me to be the way I am is a great motivation. My dream was to become a doctor who will save lives in various ways. This dream was driven by the fact that my grandparents died in front of my eyes just because of poor medication. It really caught my heart in surprise because at that time I believed that hospital was the place for the sick to be treated and not die. I always wanted to be the person that save lives of others and also cure several diseases that have troubled the human race. The second thing that really drove me was to be the role model for the young generation to come in the near future. Because of my dream, I gave the way to good things that would support my dream rather than those that will kill my dream; for instance, alcohol, drugs, immorality and more so peer pressure. The three factors gave me the way to my dream. Where I am today is because of the well-laid strategy of achieving goals. One of the strategies was to read smart and finish schooling up to the masters’ level. Paying attention in class, reading quality books, watching motivation speakers on television are the things that gave me the light. Later, I graduated with a doctorate degree in medicine because of the strategies I laid. My mother was my motivator. She once told me that Success is something anyone in this world can achieve if he or she loves and is fully devoted because anyone can achieve a given dream when the strategies are well put. If one has a dream, just go for it and do not look at anything. That discouraging part is when you lose hope and lose focus on your way to achieve your dream. Always be focused on everything. I am now a doctor because of the dream. You can also achieve your dream by having a strategy and a commitment to your dream. In conclusion, every dream is achievable when one loves his or her goals. Success comes with full responsibility for everything. When one is committed to achieving a certain goal in life, their mind is filled with several aspects of success. Young people need to have dreams that are achievable. People have achieved several dreams in life, not because of luck but because of commitment. A personal philosophy of success comes with full strategy and commitment, plus the right focus.

The Scientific Basis for Defining Seasons

The Scientific Basis for Defining Seasons Contrary to common belief, modern meteorology recognized that the beginning of any season is the day on which the sun passes over particular latitude rather than how cold or warm the following will be. Hashtag: #FirstDayOfFall Ancient and Modern Meteorology Meteorological phenomena such as storms, lightning, and thunder are often considered dangerous and frightening for many people. The ability to predict their occurrence in the past was valued in many cultures. In fact, there is a large body of literature that spans the ancient period dedicated to the prediction and explanation of meteorological and astronomical events including animal behavior.   The division of the year into seasons enables the ancient culture to select the proper time plowing, sowing, reaping, and harvesting, making voyages with ships, prepare and protect themselves for against the natural severity of the seasons. CAN SCIENCE GO TOO FAR? However, ancient meteorology was largely based on past experience or preservation of the events of past weather and their sequence, speculations on the relation between events and proximate causes, philosophy, appeal to the deities, and belief in personal weather-control and magic.   The practice was only changed in the mid 19th century when a collection of facts has been operated by electric–telegraph and now radiotelegraphy.   Although recording observation and discussing them from a philosophical point of view still remains to this day, meteorologist today have a multitude of facts and records to base their forecast and in creating a weather map. Weather and Seasons Weather maps are important tools for developing and explaining weather forecasts. They vary in scope as there are national, continental, and global weather maps. Surface weather maps commonly contain identified fronts; high and low-pressure areas and temperatures, wind strength and air pressure and often used to provide information on the present weather condition.   Forecast weather maps, as the name suggests, are computer generated maps to predict changes in the weather.   Meteorologist also developed short-term (18-36 hours) and long-term (5 days) maps that are updated daily. However, since weather condition is rapidly changing, the weather forecast may not always be accurate and mere honest guesses of the weather condition for a certain period of time. The above surface map illustrates four different fronts – cold, warm, stationary, and occluded.   Note that these fronts separate different air masses and associated with lower pressure. A meteorologist using this map will likely forecast that weather along the stationary front (points A and B) will be clear to partly cloudy. The weather condition in the cold front (points B to C) will be cold, rainy in green-shaded areas, and snowy in the white shaded areas. Contrary to common belief, modern meteorology recognized that the beginning of any season is the day on which the sun passes over particular latitude rather than how cold or warm the following will be.   For instance, the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere is June 21 or when the sun is at its highest position in the noonday sky or 23  ½ degrees north (N) latitude. Each day past June 21, the noon sun is slightly lower in the sky as 12 hours or more of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere begins to shorten. COMPUTER SCIENCE DIPLOMA THESIS By September 22, the sun is directly above the equator and the astronomical beginning of fall officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere.   Three months after the autumnal equinox, the sun on December 21, is further away from the tilted Northern Hemisphere where days are shorter and nights are longer.   On this day, the sun shines directly above latitude 23  ½ degrees S (Tropic of Capricorn) or the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The first day of spring occurs around March 20 or when the sun crosses the equator and moving northward.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Paper - Assignment Example In this case, it is not the role of the media to create the advertisement or generate the desired message. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to formulate the message, and then present it to the media for conveying to the society. Nevertheless, the fact that the media represents, rather than creates events, does not remove the ethical responsibility on the side of the media (, n.p.). Therefore, it is the responsibility of the media to ensure that it avoids any form of misrepresentation of the events being reported to the society, through ensuring to accurately represent the event, without any â€Å"inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortions† (, n.p.). The theory of Act Non-consequentialists can support this position, owing to the fact that it requires that each ethical case is addressed on a case-by-case basis. Thus, the ethical representation of the events by the media should be evaluated on a case basis. From what I hear from you Molly, the media is in the business of making money, and thus is there to represent the events created by anyone, regardless of the ethicalness of the events. While I agree with you completely that the media does not create events but rather uses the events created by other people or agencies to generate money, I really do not agree with you on the opinion that the job of the people working in the media is simply to â€Å"fill spots of air time and advertisements†. In fact, I hold a contrary opinion, to the effect that, although the media people are in the business of making money, they owe the society the ethical duty of care, requiring them to uphold ethics in every aspect of their events representation. Now if you may, please tell me how the media can effectively expedite its role of making money, and at the same time remain ethical. Tawania Reese, I support your opinion on the

Critically analysis an operations problem faced by your team and make Essay

Critically analysis an operations problem faced by your team and make a proposal for its resolution, drawing on the tools and li - Essay Example Identifying and resolving the problems not only involves interaction with the purchase, sales, credit collection or other divisions of the company, but also managing the entire control systems, communication at all levels effectively and efficient planning and forecasting. It is also important to note that profitability to a greater extent hinges on efficiency in working capital management, especially in the retails industry. The empirical findings of the study made by Samiloglu & Demirgones (2008, p. 44) show that account receivables period, inventory period and leverage affect firm profitability negatively. The following proposals outlined for the resolution of the operational problems with reference to cash flow covers comprehensively all the facets of the business which are connected to it directly and indirectly in the company. However, leadership qualities in the organization and the policy of the organization in connection with the development of leadership qualities among the mangers are fundamentally very important for sustainable development. Properly identifying the different styles of leadership in an organization for developing it through motivation is very important for success in any organization. ... signify that the above statement could be true only partially, and the leadership qualities can be acquired through proper training and willingness on the part of the person to learn. For the finance professionals in cash management, honesty and forward looking qualities are very important so that the person can guide his team to achieve the objective by proving intelligent solutions at crucial times thereby inspiring the team members in the achievement of the objectives. According to traits theory, people inherit certain traits and qualities to become leaders. This is at the best a variation of the Greatmen theory. Contrary to this, behavioral theory believes great leaders are made, and this is in line with the strategy to be adopted in an organization for leadership development, because, the usefulness of the former theories are restricted to recruitment level, and persons need to be developed or molded to suit the purpose for which they are selected. According to contingency theor y, a particular style of leadership suits a particular situation based on the variables relating to the environment. Primary finding of a study made by Arbak & Villeval (2007, p. 24) reveals that a large proportion of subjects are willing to lead, though they earn on average considerably less than followers and even less than those in a group with no leader. Participative leadership is essential for success in cash flow management, because without participation and contributions from group members, decision making process goes haywire. The relationship theory is very relevant and important in the day-to-day operations. The connection between the leader and the followers is developed through motivation and inspiration. This is very relevant in the working capital management as it involves

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discussion Questions 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Questions 2 - Coursework Example Achieving of these targets and thus successful strategy creation can be done through utilizing a series of â€Å"hows† that enables the company to plan its business growth, to meet customers’ needs and to prepare to the changing market conditions. The process of strategy implementation includes managing of operations aimed to achieve organizational goals and objectives. This part of converting strategic views into the concrete actions requires managers to direct organizational actions, be able to motivate people in order to meet the performance targets. A strategy is a distinctive way that allows the company to understand where it wants to be from the current situation, how to manage future direction and how to get there. It is also about how the company would be set apart from the rivals, respond to the changing market conditions, manage business, improve the performance gaps in order to achieve its competitive edge. These are the main conditions and reasons for the businesses to develop a strategy and why it is so important. Once a strategy is developed, an organization in ready to make decisions and involve stakeholders for future performance. As business model represents an economic spectre of making money, a viable business model allows an organization to have a material profit from its products and services but it also gives consumers a benefit from using them. Under such conditions, each part of the business, its owners and stakeholders, are satisfied with the outcome, which is profit for the company and good service or product for the

Critical thinking Questiong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical thinking Questiong - Essay Example By focusing on participants’ dignity, they will experience compassion and love. Hart (252) also asserts that the legal system is not the best way to attain justice in society. First laws are formulated by human beings and thus can be in favor of the privileged few. Consequently, they need to be backed by secondary laws in order for them to function effectively. Moreover, according to him the judicial system is based more on logic which is not always the best way to address problems. Morally, when victims are apologized to, they feel in control since they are the ones to make decisions (Rosenbaum 175). On the other hand, when the legal system is applied the impacts are not closely felt by the participants. While lawyers view the legal system as a means to attain justice, Rosenbaum (182) looks at it as a truth silencing conspiracy. This is for the fact that the law robs participants the power to exercise their own means of attaining justice. Instead, it gives all the powers to lawyers to present contradictory, messy and inconclusive views. He then explains that the best way of avoiding lawsuits is to accord people the respect they deserve by acknowledging their responsibilities in the whole process. Through that, decency is attained and it might be the effective way of attaining justice. Contrary, the legal law penalizes offenders and this might evoke resistance within them thus hindering one from doing the right thing (Hart 258). Looking at the legal system critically one will say that laws are a form of gaining revenue. For instance, the insurance policy for automobile forbids one to apologize in case of an accident. Hence the question is, â€Å"is this because the legal system want to extract money from citizens or why is it so?† The answer to this according to Rosenbaum (184) is that lawyers do not exchange words for free thus for cases to go to court, money has to involved. However,

ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT - Essay Example This requires changing the upgrading the entire organizational functioning through careful diagnosis and analysis such as to attain a different organizational structure and shape such that the work process becomes more efficient and improved. The purpose of OD interventions in organizations is to address the perpetual needs of organizations through a concerted and collaborated effort of both internal and external industrial experts in the particular field to discover such processes which can be used by the organization in order to become more effective towards stakeholders and groups. The assignment seeks to explain the OD intervention process undertaken in IBM in India. For this, it makes an analysis of the need for OD intervention in the organization on the basis of its present situations and conditions. The role of managers as change agents in the intervention process is also brought forth in the study. It explains the need and extent to which managers need to be empowered to bring about the changes and implement them successfully. However, incorporating the process does not come without hurdles. There are a number of strategic and practices which are to be dealt with carefully while managing the process. Reasonable arguments are provided with regards to the ways in which the obstacles can be managed and the process can be made successful. The requirements of OD intervention in IBM can be explained with the help of the contingency theory. This is on account of the ever changing business and technological environment in which it operates. Technology is fast growing and changing at a rapid pace. Thus, it is very easy for organizations and their present technologies to become obsolete and outdated, consequently loosing the competitive edge in the market. It is seen that IBM needs to adapt itself with the changing technologies, systems and practices so as to retain

Analysis of Vocational Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis of Vocational Leader - Essay Example It resulted to people becoming more preoccupied with maximization of wealth than serving the common good. To avoid this tendency, the book Vocation of a Business Leader: A Reflection prescribed that leaders should be more preoccupied in producing goods and services that addresses human genuine needs, that they should be more responsible in conducting themselves and their businesses. The issues covered in the book is very much related to Accounting because the recent corporate scandals that rocked America and slid this country into recession was caused by the issues tackled in the book- too much emphasis on wealth maximization rather than producing goods and services that serves genuine human needs. Companies such as Enron and Worldcom cheated on their financial reports so that their company would appear good and attract more investors and continue to receive financial rewards (i.e. fat bonuses). If the prescription in the book will be seriously taken, managers and executives would instead look after the welfare of the community at large before their own. This issues is not limited to companies but also on a personal level. Young people now tend to think how their acts would benefit themselves first before being motivated to do it. For example, when one starts a business, it is the profit that is being considered first before creating a product or service that would serve its customers

Bank Data Center (Security) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bank Data Center (Security) - Assignment Example A bank data center should be constructed to withstand all physical threats such as terrorism, natural disasters, and corporate espionage. The bank’s data center will be located approximately 20 miles from the bank premises and about 100 feet from the transport network system such as roads.   It is only the chief information officer that is allowed to enter the room. The key security features that I will include in my design are: Appropriate location- I will locate the data center in 20 miles from the banks head officer and feet from the highway. The location should be void of power plants, earthquake fault line. There should be no indication of a data center location. Ensure redundant facilities- there should be a continuous supply electricity, data, and voice. The power lines should be underground. The power is leveraged according to the critical importance of the facility.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Second Amendment to Reduce Gun Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Second Amendment to Reduce Gun Violence - Essay Example This means that although this right is regulated, people still have a right to have a gun. Policies at the federal, local and state levels have attempted to address gun violence through a variety of ways, including restricting firearm purchases by youths, setting waiting periods for firearm purchases, enforcing of laws and community policing strategies, strict penalties for gun law offenders, education programs on gun safety for parents and children and community-outreach programs. Federal legislation also aims to prevent the sale of weapons deliberately to criminals domestically and people involved in uprisings abroad through prohibition of ATF. The legislation also prevents the local law enforcement from accessing digital databases for identification purposes of weaponry sale places for weapons recovered at the scenes of crime. The second amendment should not be revised since it protects the people from despotism from their own government or invasion. The amendment removes the powe r of the government to regulate firearms and also prevents the president or whoever is in charge of authority from restricting the freedom of the people of the United States in case a martial law was declared. The second amendment also emphasizes that citizens have to possess enough arms and ammunitions in order to maintain a status of independence from any authority that might attempt to abuse them including their own government. The second amendment gives private citizens the right to have knives, swords, pistols, rifles or anything else they want to defend themselves from others or the government. The second amendment does not have the constitutional authority to work against the wants of... Second Amendment to Reduce Gun Violence Gun violence is one of the leading causes of premature deaths in the United States because young victims are usually involved. Gun violence in the United States is highly extraordinary, and the homicide rate in the country is seven times higher than the combined homicide rate of 22 other high-income countries. There is a high prevalence of gun ownership in the country and less restrictive gun laws that are crucial contributions to the rates of violence as a result of crime in America compared to other countries with the same revenue levels with it. The American government is caught up in the firearm issue. Millions of American citizens own guns and use them responsibly but a few thousand gun owners on a yearly basis do not. There are huge economic costs associated with gun violence in the U.S because violent crime reduces tax revenues that local governments require to cater for the broad range of citizen needs. In order to reduce gun violence without revising the second amendment, new legislation and regulations that preserve the basic freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights must be made. The legislation must hold the view point that the privilege to possess weapons is only for life, property and liberty protection than any other selfish means. To be even, technology should be adapted to improve response times and stop intruders of any kind since regulating firearms alone cannot keep schools, streets and the public safe.

Children's Pastimes Today and Yesterday Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Children's Pastimes Today and Yesterday - Outline Example The present paper has identified that in the olden times, the outdoor activities of children were far greater than they are today. Schools and educational institutions promoted scouting and recruited young scouts. This kept them busy with activities like camping and learning first aid techniques. Apart from these extracurricular accomplishments, the children also entertained themselves by playing outdoor games. These included football, hopscotch, and basketball. Board games and cards were other hobbies of these children who spent their time playing these games with their siblings and friends. Furthermore, life was not as fast-paced previously as it is today. Quality family time was a compulsion and children went to spend holidays with their family. Weekends at the beach or at the park were another favorite pastime. With the changing times and new innovations, the hobbies of children have altered. The internet and the computers have taken over the minds of the younger generation. Chil dren now prefer to play games on the computer or indulge in online gaming. Their other favorite pastime is watching television. Children nowadays spend up to 6 to 8 hours every day watching their favorite television programs. Indulgence in outdoor games has reduced and an inactive lifestyle has been adopted.

Sustainable Design Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainable Design Case Study - Research Paper Example The main reasons behind people moving towards urban areas are to seek employment, make shopping for purchasing goods, seek entertainment as well as attain better standard of living. Simultaneously, existing environmental infrastructures related to work as well as services are quite insufficient to serve the rise in population as well as population densities. It can be observed in this context that overcrowding leads to environmental vulnerabilities as well as degradation unless strategies related to reversing the environmental deterioration can be applied. One of the determinants of the sternness of environment conditions in the urban areas has been their regional ecosystem types such as mountainous, coastal and riverine among others. It needs to be remembered that the urban ecological types are significant components in identifying the environmental strategies along with preparing the plans for precise and sustainable urban development. The project also discusses regarding the physi cal planning, environmental health management and sustainable development. The main objective of the project analyzed in the paper is to make the urban areas quite self-sufficient, enjoyable place to live and thus sustainable (Williams, 2000). Challenges and Opportunities The most important urban environmental requirements by the people in the developing countries would comprise provision of healthy accommodation as well as other built surroundings, access to environmental infrastructural methods as well as services. It is worthy of stating the fact that the most severe influences on urban environment concerning people and which is caused by human being as well as nature are water pollution as well as depletion, air pollution and energy use and wastage. Furthermore, urbanization leads to solid waste and resource losses such as groundwater contamination and depletion, land and ecosystem degradation among others. There are a few infuriating factors as well in relation to the project w hich lead to urban environmental degradation that are lack of public as well as political awareness, lack of efficient public education as well as involvement along with requirement for public pressure and political will. It is quite noteworthy to control such factors and make policies to minimize the impact of the factors on the environment so that the sustainability of the urban areas can be ascertained (Williams, 2000). Involvement of Numerous Stakeholders The efforts at enhancing the urban environment would comprise the involvement of numerous stakeholders such as governmental bodies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as well as the informal sector in defending the environmental problems. It also requires the efforts of numerous institutions, organizations as well as individuals. It becomes difficult for the isolated action to meet the requirements because of the swiftness and intricacy of change. It has been found that one of the most crucial causative factors to the prevai ling accumulation of urban developmental issues is the lack of synchronization of actions between various stakeholders as well as actors. In order to reduce this problem, it is necessary to have a major intention of working in harmony towards the attainment of the common objectives. When all the stakeholders collaborate in order to work towards the accomplishment of the goals of the particular project then it leads to greater synergy. It comprises

The Story of an Hour vs A Rose for Emily Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Story of an Hour vs A Rose for Emily - Essay Example Jefferson stands to embrace a more commercial and contemporary future although it is remains perched on past events and circumstances. The past is especially reflected in the faded glory of the Grierson home and town cemetery where unknown soldiers who participated in the Civil War were long buried. Emily is deeply rooted in tradition remaining in the same position for many years despite the explicit changes in the community she is living in. Emily as a character is both a blessing and curse to her community. She is a blessing in that she represents the traditions of the people she wishes to honor and respect. On the other hand, she is a burden and cut from the rest of the world and nurses peculiarities that other people cannot understand as she acts outside common expectation. She lives in her own world that is timeless; she refuses the affixation of the metallic numbers to the side of her house when her town receives modern mail service. Jefferson highly regards the traditional notions of reputation and honor although the narrator criticizes the old men who gather for her funeral. Death is very eminent in the story; the narrator mentions the death of Emily at the beginning of the story (Faulkner 1). There is a clear description of Emily’s death and haunted life even as the community traditions are expressed in the wake of modern changes. The Emily fixture in the community paves way for slow death. She is compared to a drowned woman and she is referred to as having a small spare skeleton. Her charm and respectability declines over the years much like the Griersons’ outdated sensibilities. Emily’s point of view regarding death and changes in life is quite different from what the other members of the society believe. Emily attempts to deny the facts of death; her weird relationship to the dead bodies of the men she loved is exposed when her father dies. She does not admit the death of her father and she lives in denial of the truth. Her reaction to the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Second Amendment to Reduce Gun Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Second Amendment to Reduce Gun Violence - Essay Example This means that although this right is regulated, people still have a right to have a gun. Policies at the federal, local and state levels have attempted to address gun violence through a variety of ways, including restricting firearm purchases by youths, setting waiting periods for firearm purchases, enforcing of laws and community policing strategies, strict penalties for gun law offenders, education programs on gun safety for parents and children and community-outreach programs. Federal legislation also aims to prevent the sale of weapons deliberately to criminals domestically and people involved in uprisings abroad through prohibition of ATF. The legislation also prevents the local law enforcement from accessing digital databases for identification purposes of weaponry sale places for weapons recovered at the scenes of crime. The second amendment should not be revised since it protects the people from despotism from their own government or invasion. The amendment removes the powe r of the government to regulate firearms and also prevents the president or whoever is in charge of authority from restricting the freedom of the people of the United States in case a martial law was declared. The second amendment also emphasizes that citizens have to possess enough arms and ammunitions in order to maintain a status of independence from any authority that might attempt to abuse them including their own government. The second amendment gives private citizens the right to have knives, swords, pistols, rifles or anything else they want to defend themselves from others or the government. The second amendment does not have the constitutional authority to work against the wants of... Second Amendment to Reduce Gun Violence Gun violence is one of the leading causes of premature deaths in the United States because young victims are usually involved. Gun violence in the United States is highly extraordinary, and the homicide rate in the country is seven times higher than the combined homicide rate of 22 other high-income countries. There is a high prevalence of gun ownership in the country and less restrictive gun laws that are crucial contributions to the rates of violence as a result of crime in America compared to other countries with the same revenue levels with it. The American government is caught up in the firearm issue. Millions of American citizens own guns and use them responsibly but a few thousand gun owners on a yearly basis do not. There are huge economic costs associated with gun violence in the U.S because violent crime reduces tax revenues that local governments require to cater for the broad range of citizen needs. In order to reduce gun violence without revising the second amendment, new legislation and regulations that preserve the basic freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights must be made. The legislation must hold the view point that the privilege to possess weapons is only for life, property and liberty protection than any other selfish means. To be even, technology should be adapted to improve response times and stop intruders of any kind since regulating firearms alone cannot keep schools, streets and the public safe.